WoWthing [insert cool logo here]
Do you have an alt problem? Struggling to remember which of your characters have done all of the things this week? WoWthing is here to help manage your World of Warcraft characters!
WoWthing is free and will (hopefully) always be free. I have no interest in running ads or charging for premium functionality, and since everything is open source someone else could just host a free version anyway.
Let's take a quick tour:

The at-a-glance view of your characters. Most of the columns are configurable, this is an example of absolutely everything being enabled. The faded rows at the bottom are characters on an inactive account.
NOTE: most of this functionality requires saved data from the WoWthing_Collector addon to be uploaded - gold, mount speed, weekly quests (Anima/Shaping Fate/Souls), Mythic+ keystone, Mythic+ vault.

Keep track of how much of each currency all of your characters have. In the near future you'll be able to display this on the Home screen also.

Keep track of all of that sweet gear you're stuck with for months on end because the loot gods never smile upon you.

Keep track of your current keystone, Mythic+ Vault status, Raider.IO score, and which dungeons you've done at what level in the current week/season.

Keep track of mount/pet/toy/transmog drops from everything (and some things that aren't) covered by the in-game Journal.

Keep track of the depressing amount of currency you still need to buy collectibles from vendors.
Zone Maps

Keep track of farms across many zones in the game. Basically a web-based version of HandyNotes with multi-account/character support.
... and more, probably! Get started by registering using Battle.Net, and feel free to stop by our Discord if you have any questions, feature requests, or just to say hi.